Communication with the Plant World


26/27 AUGUST 2023


Damanhur - Italy

About the course

Nature is all around. You see trees in the park and water your houseplants, but how connected are you really to the plant world? What if you could dialogue with plants and trees? Researchers at Damanhur began pondering this question forty years ago when they started experimenting with plant communication. They have since discovered that plants have feelings, memory and intricate methods of communication. They can even create music!

The course covers aspects of how to perceive the vital rhythm of plants and enter into dialogue with them. This communication can be experienced in various ways, all of which are explored in the program: through art and music, by dreaming with trees, and by communicating with them up close and at a distance.

Participants will learn various techniques for making an in-depth connection with trees through and beyond the five senses; they will learn a series of exercises. Participants will also discover that they can communicate with trees and plants both “in-person” and across vast distances via a surrogate.

Course program

The course material covers a discussion of the three Mother worlds: the animal/human world, plant world and the nature spirit world. While these worlds have been viewed as “separate” by human beings, the time has come to work together and re-unite them, if we are to continue to evolve. Students will explore what it feels like to be part of the plant world, and what it would feel like if all three of the mother worlds were once again united. Participants also learn about the history of plant intelligence research.

Much of the course takes place outdoors amongst the trees and forests. Ample time is given to experiment with making contact with outdoor plants and trees. Students learn, for instance, how a chestnut has a very different energy from an oak.

The outcome of this course is life-changing, as the magic of plant communication touches people in a profound way that cannot be conveyed in words. It can only be heard and felt personal. Participants subtly learn to view the environment and our earth in new ways, and to even understand human behaviour in a different context. This course is for anyone who wants to personally experience how to be united with the plant consciousness.

Your instructor

Tigrilla Gardenia

My journey has led me from a multi-ethnic upbringing to the high-tech industry, performing arts, spiritual studies, and the eco-everything world of social innovation and architectural design. Along the way I learned to look to the many amazing beings in nature for answers.

But what do I do? In one sentence, I am a Nature-Inspired Mentor and Leadership Coach for conscious entrepreneurs and naturepreneurs (nature-inspired business leaders) looking to turn ideas into a successful Dream project.

I am a citizen of Damanhur in Italy—one of the largest spiritual ecocommunities in the world—and Biomimicry facilitator.

The plant world is my passion. Plants show me new ways to do business inspired by nature’s 3.8 billion years of ingenuity in problem solving. Have you ever noticed how nature is made up of collaborations between organisms with seemingly different goals? And yet, each one gets what it needs to not only survive, but thrive! I study these successful partnerships, then replicate those strategies in my own work.

You could say my superpower is helping you see the connections that brings into reality a life and business in harmony with nature and your true self. I advocate connection to nature as the basis for long-term health, wealth, and happiness.

Sign up now!

The course will take place if at least 10 participants enroll

Communication with the Plant World

    Regular price


If you have any questions contact us, we are at your disposal
